
Below is an almost complete list of my articles and books chapters along with a link to a PDF copy (there are a couple of minor pieces missing). For pieces less than 12 months old, I have uploaded a pre-print version. I can email you an ‘online first’ version if required. I’ve started work on adding doi details. I’ve not added all working papers or book reviews. All the Programmable City working papers can be found here.

A list of all the articles and chapters ordered by the topic they concern is available here.


  • Kitchin, R. and Dawkins, O. (2024, online first) Digital twins and deep maps. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 1-7. PDF, doi: 10.1111/tran.12699
  • Delaney, A. and Kitchin, R. (2023) Progress and prospects for data-driven coordinated management and emergency response: the case of Ireland. Territory, Politics, Governance 11(1): 174-189. PDF, doi: 10.1080/21622671.2020.1805355
  • Gleeson, J., Kitchin, R. and McCarthy, E. (2022) Dashboards and public health: The development, impacts, and lessons from the Irish Government COVID-19 dashboards. American Journal of Public Health 112(6): 896-893. PDF doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2022.306848
  • Kitchin, R. (2022) Conceptualising smart cities. Urban Research and Practice 15(1): 155-159. PDF, doi: 10.1080/17535069.2022.2031143
  • Kitchin, R., Young, G. and Dawkins, O. (2021) Planning and 3D spatial media: progress, prospects, and the knowledge and experiences of local government planners. Planning Theory and Practice 22(3): 349-367. PDF. doi: 10.1080/14649357.2021.1921832
  • Bradshaw, R. and Kitchin, R. (2022) Charting the design and implementation of the smart city: the case of citizen-centric bikeshare in Hamilton, Ontario. Urban Geography 43(4): 567-588, PDF, doi: 10.1080/02723638.2021.1878439
  • Kitchin, R. and Stehle, S. (2021) Can smart city data be used to create new official statistics? Journal of Official Statistics 37(1): 121–147, PDF doi: 10.2478/JOS-2021-0006
  • Kitchin, R. and Moore-Cherry, N. (2021) Fragmented governance, the urban data ecosystem and smart cities: the case of Metropolitan Boston. Regional Studies 55(12): 1913-1923. PDF doi: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1735627
  • Young, G., Kitchin, R. and Naji, J. (2021). Building city dashboards for different types of user. Journal of Urban Technology 28(1-2): 289-309. PDF doi: 10.1080/10630732.2020.1759994
  • Kitchin, R. (2020) Civil liberties or public health, or civil liberties and public health? Using surveillance technologies to tackle the spread of COVID-19. PDF, Space and Polity 24(3): 362-381. doi: 10.1080/13562576.2020.1770587
  • Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Apostolopoulou, E., Rickards, L., Blackman, T., Crampton, J., Rossi, U. and Buckley, M. (2020) Geographies of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dialogues in Human Geography 10(2): 97–106. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2043820620936050
  • Young, G. and Kitchin, R. (2020) Creating design guidelines for city dashboards from users’ perspectives. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 140: PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102429
  • Stehle, S. and Kitchin, R. (2020) Real-time and archival data visualisation techniques in city dashboards. International Journal of Geographic Information Science 34(2): 344-366. PDF doi: 10.1080/13658816.2019.1594823
  • Kitchin, R. (2019) The timescape of smart cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 109(3): 775-790, PDF, doi: 10.1080/24694452.2018.1497475
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2019) The (in)security of smart cities: vulnerabilities, risks, mitigation and prevention. Journal of Urban Technology 26(2): 47-65. PDF, doi: 10.1080/10630732.2017.1408002
  • Cardullo, P. and Kitchin, R. (2019) Being a ‘citizen’ in the smart city: Up and down the scaffold of smart citizen participation in Dublin, Ireland. GeoJournal 84(1): 1-13. PDF, doi: 1007/s10708-018-9845-8
  • Cardullo, P. and Kitchin, R. (2019) Smart urbanism and smart citizenship: The neoliberal logic of ‘citizen-focused’ smart cities in Europe. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 37(5): 813-830.  PDF, doi: 10.1177/0263774X18806508
  • Coletta, C., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (2019) From the accidental to articulated smart city: The creation and work of ‘Smart Dublin’. European Urban and Regional Studies 26(4): 349–364. PDF, doi: 10.1177/0969776418785214
  • Kitchin, R., Dawkins, O. and Young, G. (2019) Prospects for an intelligent planning system. Planning Theory and Practice 20(4): 595-599. PDF doi: 10.1080/14649357.2019.1651997
  • Perng, S-Y., Kitchin, R. and MacDonncha, D. (2018) Hackathons, entrepreneurial life and the making of smart cities. Geoforum 97: 189-197. PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.08.024
  • Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rickards, L., Rossi, U., Datta, A. and Crampton, J. (2018) The possibilities and limits to dialogue. Dialogues in Human Geography 8(2): 109-123. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2043820618780566
  • Evans, L. and Kitchin, R. (2018) A smart place to work? Big data systems, labour, control, and modern retail stores. New Technology, Work and Employment 33(1): 44-57. PDF, doi: 10.1111/ntwe.12107
  • Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (2018) Digital turn, digital geographies? Progress in Human Geography 42(1): 25-43. PDF, doi: 10.1177/0309132516664800
  • Perng, S. and Kitchin, R. (2018) Solutions and frictions in civic hacking: Collaboratively designing and building a queuing app for an immigration office. Social and Cultural Geography 19(1): 1-20. PDF, doi: 10.1080/14649365.2016.1247193
  • Cardullo, P., Kitchin, R. and di Feliciantonio, C. (2018) Living Labs, vacancy, and gentrification. Cities 73: 44-50, PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2017.10.008
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) The realtimeness of smart cities. Technoscienza 8(2): 19-42. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Mac Donncha, D. (2017) Smart cities, urban technocrats, epistemic communities, advocacy coalitions and the ‘last mile’ problem. it – Information Technology 59(6): 275-284. PDF, doi: 10.1515/itit-2017-0004
  • Coletta, C. and Kitchin, R. (2017) Algorhythmic governance: Regulating the ‘heartbeat’ of a city using the Internet of Things. Big Data and Society 4: 1-16. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2053951717742418
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) Thinking critically about and researching algorithms. Information, Communication and Society 20(1): 14-29. PDF, doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1154087
  • Kitchin, R., Maalsen, S. and McArdle, G. (2016) The praxis and politics of building urban dashboards. Geoforum 77: 93-101. PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2016.10.006
  • McArdle, G. and Kitchin, R. (2016) Improving the veracity of open and real-time urban data. Built Environment 42(3): 446-462, PDF, doi: 10.2148/benv.42.3.457
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) The ethics of smart cities and urban science. Philosophical Transactions A 374(2083): 1-15. PDF, doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0115
  • Perng, S-Y., Kitchin, R. and Evans, L. (2016) Locative media and data-driven computing experiments. Big Data and Society 3: 1-12. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2053951716652161
  • Kitchin, R. and McArdle, G. (2016) What makes big data, big data? Exploring the ontological characteristics of 26 datasets. Big Data and Society 3: 1–10 PDF, doi: 10.1177/2053951716631130
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) ‘The opportunities, challenges and risks of big data for official statistics’. Statistical Journal of the International Association of Official Statistics, 31: 471 – 481. PDF, doi: 10.3233/SJI-150906
  • Kitchin, R., Collins, S. and Frost, D. (2015) ‘Funding models for open access digital data repositories’. Online Information Review, 39: 664-681. PDF, doi: 10.1108/OIR-01-2015-0031
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. and McArdle, G. (2015) ‘Knowing and governing cities through urban indicators, city benchmarking and real-time dashboards’. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2: 1-28. PDF, doi: 10.1080/21681376.2014.983149
  • O’Callaghan, C., Boyle, M., Kelly, S., and Kitchin, R. (2015) Topologies and topographies of Ireland’s neoliberal crisis. Space and Polity, 19: 31-46. PDF, doi: 10.1080/13562576.2014.991120
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) Making sense of smart cities: addressing present shortcomings. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 8: 131-136. PDF, doi: 10.1093/cjres/rsu027
  • Kitchin, R. and Lauriault, T. (2015) Small data in the era of big data. Geojournal 80: 463-475. PDF, doi: 10.1007/s10708-014-9601-7
  • O’Callaghan, C., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2014) Post-politics, crisis, and Ireland’s ghost estates. Political Geography 42: 121–133, PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2014.07.006
  • Kitchin, R. (2014) ‘Engaging publics: Writing as praxis.’ Cultural Geographies, 21: 153-157, PDF, doi: 10.1177/1474474012462535
  • Kitchin, R. O’Callaghan, C. and Gleeson, J. (2014) ‘The new ruins of Ireland? Unfinished estates in the post-Celtic Tiger era. ‘ International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38: 1069-1080, PDF, 10.1111/1468-2427.12118
  • Kitchin, R. (2014) ‘ The real-time city? Big data and smart urbanism’. Geojournal, 79: 1-14, PDF, doi: 10.1007/s10708-013-9516-8
  • Kitchin, R. (2014) Big data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts. Big Data and Society 1: 1-12, PDF, doi: 10.1177/2053951714528481
  • Kitchin, R. (2013) Big data and human geography: Opportunities, challenges and risks. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3: 262-267. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2043820613513388
  • Kitchin, R., Linehan, D., O’Callaghan, C. and Lawton, P. (2013) Public geographies and social media. Dialogues in Human Geography, 3: 56-72. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2043820613486432
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2013) ‘Crowdsourced cartography: Mapping experience and knowledge.’ Environment and Planning A, 45: 19-36. PDF, doi: 10.1068/a44484
  • Kitchin, R., Gleeson, J. and Dodge, M. (2012) ‘Unfolding Mapping Practices: A New Epistemology for Cartography’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38: 480-496. PDF, doi: 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00540.x
  • Kitchin, R., OCallaghan, C., Boyle, M., Gleeson J. and Keaveney, K. (2012) ‘Placing neoliberalism: The rise and fall of Irelands Celtic Tiger’. Environment and Planning A, 44: 1302-1326. PDF, doi: 0.1068/a44349
  • Walsh, C. and Kitchin, R. (2012) ‘Supporting Evidence-Informed Spatial Planning in Ireland: A Research Perspective.’ Pleanail, 18: 75-89. PDF
  • Daly, G. and Kitchin, R. (2012) ‘Shrink Smarter? Planning for Spatial Selectivity in Population Growth in Ireland.’ Administration, 60: 159-186. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2011) ‘The Programmable City’. Environment and Planning B, 38: 945-951. PDF, doi: 10.1068/b3806com
  • Kitchin, R. (2010) ‘Post-representational cartography’. Lo Squaderno, 15: 7-11. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Software, objects and home spaces’. Environment and Planning A, 41: 1344-1365. PDF, doi: 10.1068/a4138
  • Dodge. M, Kitchin R. and Zook, M. (2009) ‘How does software make space? Exploring some geographical dimensions of pervasive computing and software studies’. Environment and Planning A, 41: 1283-1293. PDF, doi: 10.1068/a42133
  • Kitchin, R. (2008) ‘The practices of mapping’. Cartographica, 43: 211-215. PDF, doi: 10.3138/carto.43.3.211
  • Crowley, U. and Kitchin, R. (2008) ‘Producing ‘decent’ girls: governmentality and the moral geographies of sexual conduct in Ireland (1922-1937)’. Gender, Place and Culture, 15: 355-372. PDF, doi: 10.1080/09663690802155553
  • Crowley, U. and Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘Paradoxical spaces of citizenship in contemporary Ireland: the case of Irish Travellers’. Irish Geography, 40: 128-145. PDF, doi: 10.1080/00750770709555892
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘Rethinking maps.’ Progress in Human Geography, 31: 1-14. PDF, doi: 10.1177/0309132507077082
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘The automatic management of drivers and driving spaces.’ Geoforum, 38: 264-275. PDF, doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2006.08.004
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘Life Logging and socio-spatial forgetfulness.’. Environment and Planning B, 34: 431-445. PDF, doi: 10.1068/b32041t
  • Kitchin, R., Bartley, B., Gleeson, J., Cowman, M., Fotheringham, S. and Lloyd, C. (2007) ‘Joined-up Thinking across the Irish Border: Making the Data more Compatible.’ Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland, 2: 22-33. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Sidaway, J. (2006) ‘Geography’s strategies.’ Professional Geographer, 58: 485-491. PDF, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9272.2006.00584.x
  • Kitchin, R. M. and M Dodge (2006) ‘Software and the Mundane Management of Air Travel.’ First Monday, 11: PDF, doi: 10.5210/fm.v0i0.1608
  • Andrews, G. and Kitchin, R. (2005) ‘Geography and nursing: convergence in cyberspace.’ Nursing Inquiry, 12: 316-324. PDF, doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1800.2005.00291.x
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2005) ‘Codes of life: Identification codes and the machine-readable world.’ Environment and Planning D, 23: 851-881. PDF, doi: 10.1068/d378t
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2005) ‘Code and the transduction of space.’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 95: 162-180. PDF, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8306.2005.00454.x
  • Kitchin, R. (2005) ‘Disrupting and destabilising Anglo-American and English-language hegemony in Geography.’ Social and Cultural Geography 6: 1-16. PDF, doi: 10.1080/1464936052000335937
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2004) ‘Flying through code/space: The real virtuality of air travel’. Environment and Planning A, 36: 195-211. PDF, doi: 10.1068/a3698
  • Kitchin, R. and Lysaght, K. (2004) ‘Sexual citizenship in Belfast, Northern Ireland’. Gender, Place and Culture, 11: 83-103. PDF, doi: 10.1080/0966369042000188567
  • Kitchin, R. (2004) ‘Geography in Ireland in Transition’. Irish Geography 37: 15-19. PDF, 10.2014/igj.v37i1.191
  • Kitchin, R. and Wilton, R. (2003) ‘Disability activism and the politics of scale in Canada and Ireland.’ Canadian Geographer, 47: 97-115. PDF,
  • Kitchin, R. and Fuller, D. (2003) ‘Making the ‘black box’ transparent: publishing and presenting geographic knowledge.’ Area, 31: 313-315. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Lysaght, K. (2003) ‘Heterosexism and the geographies of everyday life in Belfast, Northern Ireland.’ Environment and Planning A, 35: 489-510. PDF, doi: 10.1068/a3538
  • Kitchin, R. (2003) ‘Architects disable: A challenge to transform. ‘. Building Material, 10: 8-13. PDF
  • Blades, M., Lippa, Y., Golledge, R., Jacobson, R.D. and Kitchin, R (2002) ‘The effect of spatial tasks on visually impaired peoples’ wayfinding abilities.’ Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96: 407-419. PDF, doi: 10.1177/0145482X0209600604
  • Kitchin, R. (2002) ‘Sexing the city: the sexual production of space in Belfast, Manchester and San Francisco’. City, 6: 205-218. PDF, doi: 10.1080/1360481022000011155
  • Kitchin, R. (2002) ‘Participatory mapping of disabled access. ‘. Cartographic Perspectives 42: 50-62. PDF, doi: 10.14714/CP41.563
  • Kitchin, R. and Law, R. (2001) ‘The socio-spatial construction of disabled-access toilets.’ Urban Studies 32: 287-298. PDF, doi:  10.1080/00420980124395
  • Jacobson, R.D., Lippa, Y., Golledge, R., Kitchin, R. and Blades, M. (2001) ‘Rapid development of cognitive maps in people with visual impairments when exploring novel geographic spaces. ‘ Bulletin of People-Environment Studies, 18: 3-6. PDF
  • J. Kneale (2001) ‘Science fiction or future fact? Exploring the imaginative geographies of the new millennium.’ Progress in Human Geography, 25: 17-33. PDF, doi: 10.1191/030913201677411564
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2001) ‘Placing cyberspace : why geography still matters.’ Information Technology, Education and Society, 1: 25-46. PDF, doi: 10.7459/ites/16.1.03
  • Kitchin, R. (2001) ‘Using participatory action research approaches in geographical studies of disability: Some reflections.’ Disability Studies Quarterly, 21: 61-69. PDF
  • Anderson, P. and Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘Disability, space and sexuality: Access to family planning services.’ Social Science and Medicine, 51: 1163-1173. PDF
  • Golledge, R.G., Jacobson, R.D., Blades, M., and Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘Cognitive maps, spatial abilities and human wayfinding. ‘ Geographical Review of Japan, Series B, 73: 93-104. PDF
  • Shuttleworth, I., Kitchin, R., Shirlow, P., McDonagh, J. (2000) ‘The tail of the tiger: Experiences and perceptions of unemployment in Donegal.’ Irish Geography, 33: 56-73. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘The researched opinions on research: Disabled people and disability research.’ Disability and Society, 15: 25-48. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘Exposing the ‘second text’ in maps of the Network Society.’ Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 5. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Hubbard, P.J. (1999) ‘Research, Action and ‘Critical’ Geographies’. Area, 31: 195 – 198. PDF
  • Freundschuh, S.M. and Kitchin, R. (1999) ‘Contemporary thought and practice in cognitive mapping research: an introduction’. Professional Geographer, 51: 507-510. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1999) ‘Creating an awareness of Others: highlighting the role of space and place’. Geography, 84: 45-54. PDF
  • Halfacree, K.H. and Kitchin, R. (1999) ‘Rock n’ stroll: the consumption of musical places’. North West Geographer, 2: 4-14. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Shirlow, P. and Shuttleworth, I. (1998) ‘On the margins: Disabled people’s access to and experiences of employment in Donegal, West Ireland’. Disability & Society, 13: 785-806. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Jacobson, R.D., Golledge, R.G. and Blades, M. (1998) ‘Belfast without sight: Exploring geographies of blindness’. Irish Geography, 31: 34-46. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Fotheringham, A.S. (1998) ‘Spatial and location cueing effects upon cognitive mapping data’. Environment and Planning A, 30: 2245-2253. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1998) ‘“Out of place”, “knowing one’s place”: Towards a spatialised theory of disability and social exclusion’. Disability & Society, 13: 343-356. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1998) ‘Towards geographies of cyberspace’. Progress in Human Geography, 22: 385-406. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Blades, M. and Golledge, R.G. (1997) ‘Understanding spatial concepts at the geographic scale without the use of vision’. Progress in Human Geography, 21: 225-242. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Blades, M. and Golledge, R.G. (1997) ‘Relations between psychology and geography’. Environment and Behaviour, 29: 554-573. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Jacobson, R.D. (1997) ‘Techniques to collect and analyze the cognitive map knowledge of persons with visual impairment or blindness: issues of validity’. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 91: 393-400. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Fotheringham, A.S. (1997) ‘Aggregation issues in cognitive mapping research’. Professional Geographer, 49: 269-280. PDF
  • Jacobson, R.D. and Kitchin, R. M. (1997) ‘GIS and people with visual impairments or blindness: Exploring the potential for education, orientation and navigation’. Transactions in GIS, 2: 315-332. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1997) ‘Exploring spatial thought’. Environment and Behaviour, 29: 123-156. PDF
  • Halfacree, K.H. and Kitchin, R. (1996) ‘‘Madchester Rave On’: placing the fragments of popular music’. Area, 28: 49-55. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1996) ‘Are there sex differences in geographic knowledge and understanding? ‘. Geographical Journal, 162: 273-286. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1996) ‘Exploring approaches to computer cartography and spatial analysis in cognitive mapping research: CMAP and MiniGASP prototype packages’. Cartographic Journal, 33: 51-55. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1996) ‘Methodological convergence in cognitive mapping research: investigating configurational knowledge’. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 16: 163-185. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1996) ‘Increasing the integrity of cognitive mapping research: appraising conceptual schemata of environment-behaviour interaction’. Progress in Human Geography, 20: 56-84. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1994) ‘Cognitive maps: what are they and why study them?’. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14: 1-19. PDF

Minor/Non-Refereed Articles and Editorials

  • Jarrett, K., Kitchin, R., Pink, S., Hiah, J. and Steele, C. K. (2024). Dialogues on Digital Society. Dialogues on Digital Society, 0(0): 1-3. doi: 10.1177/29768640231216824, PDF
  • White, J.M. and Kitchin, R. (2021) For or against ‘the business of benchmarking’? International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45(2): 385-388. PDF, doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12978
  • Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rossi, U.,  Rickards, L., Apostolopoulou, E., Buckley, M. and Crampton, J. (2020) Reflections on the first decade of Dialogues in Human Geography and the road ahead. Dialogues in Human Geography 10(1): 3-8. PDF, doi: 10.1177/2043820620904227
  • Kitchin, R. (2019) The ethics of smart cities. RTE Brainstorm, 26th April.
  • Rose-Redwood, R., Kitchin, R., Rickards, L., Rossi, U., Datta, A. and Crampton, J. (2018) The uneven terrain of dialogical encounters and the spatial politics of listening. Dialogues in Human Geography 8(2): 160-167. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2018) Disruptive 3D geospatial technologies for planning and managing cities. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Spotlight
  • Kitchin, R. (2018) The future fate of rural towns in Ireland. Free Market Newspaper, p. 17. Irish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) How vulnerable are smart cities to cyber-attack? Councils Journal, 3rd April,
  • Kitchin, R. and Schechtner, K. (2017). Bridging the adoption gap for smart city technologies: An interview with Rob Kitchin. IEEE Pervasive Computing 16 (Apr-June): 72-75. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) Data-driven urbanism and the creation of smart cities. Datagestuurde stedelijke planning en ‘smart cities’ Justitiële Verkenningen (in Dutch) PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) Geographers matter! Doreen Massey (1944-2016). Social and Cultural Geography 17(6): 813-817. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) Urban Big Data.  The Planner.
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) What does big data mean for official statistics?  Discover Magazine
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) The promise and peril of smart cities.  Journal of the UK Society of Computers and Law, June.
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) Grounding urban data.  New Geographies 7: 109-116. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) Spatial big data and the era of continuous geosurveillance.  DIS Magazine
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T. and McArdle, G. (2015) Urban indicators and dashboards: epistemology, contradictions and power/knowledge.  Regional Studies, Regional Science 2(1) 43-45. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) Undertaking PhD Research in Human Geography in Ireland.  GeoJournal 80(2): 239-242. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2014) From mathematical to post-representational understandings of cartography. Progress in Human Geography. e-special. pp. 1-7 (intro to 16 paper collection) PDF
  • Kitchin, R. Linehan, D., O’Callaghan, C. and Lawton, P. (2013)  The creation and circulation of public geographies. Dialogues in Human Geography 3(1): 96–102. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2013) Making informed decisions on future housing policy.  Housing Ireland 3: 36-41. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2013) Code/space and the nature, production and enrolment of software. Dialogues in Human Geography 3(2) 249-252. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2007) Elsevier, the arms trade, and the forms, means and ends of protest – a response to Chatterton and Featherstone.  Political Geography 26(5): 499-503. PDF
  • Hubbard, P. and Kitchin, R. (2007) Battleground geographies and conspiracy theories?   A response to Johnston (2006) Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 32(3) 428-434. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2006) Research assessment in Ireland.  Progress in Human Geography 30(6): 749-751. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2005) The editor’s role in refereeing: A response to Johnston and Pattie.  Area 33: 455-456. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2005) Analysis of Submission Data, 1999-2004.  Social and Cultural Geography. PDF
  • Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R., and Valentine, G. (2005)  Editors’ Reply.  Environment and Planning A 37: 184-187.  Response to book review forum of 7 reviews of Key Thinkers on Space and Place.  pp. 161-187. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2003) Editorial: Country reports.  Social and Cultural Geography 4(2): 253-54. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2002) ‘New cartographies to chart cyberspace. ‘ Geoinformatics, April/May, 38-41. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. M. and M Dodge (2002) ‘Mapping cyberspace.’ Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 36: 1-6. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2001) ‘Disability and inclusive landscapes’. Teaching Geography, 26: 81-85. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Mulcahy, F. (2000) Equal to everyone else?  Poverty Today 46: 22. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Wilton, R. (2000) ‘Disability, Geography and Ethics: Introduction.’ Ethics, Place and Environment, 3: 61-65. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1999) Mapping disabled access.  Insite, Aut/Winter 1999, 7-9. PDF
  • Jackson, P. and Kitchin, R. (1998) Editorial: Applying Cognitive Mapping Research.  Journal of Environmental Psychology 18: 219-221. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1996)  Access to the Internet.  Access by Design 70: 10-11. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Sykes. L. (1995)  Invisible geography on the Internet.  Geographical Magazine, Nov: 22-24. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1995)  Stranger bedfellows: geography and psychology.  Geographical Magazine, Sept: 10. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1995)  Investigating the cognitive strategies of spatial thought.  Swansea Geographer, 32: 71-78. PDF
  • Jacobson, R.D. and Kitchin, R. (1995)  Assessing the configurational knowledge of people with visual impairments or blindness, Swansea Geographer, 32: 14-24. PDF
  • Kitchin, R.  (1994)  Semiotics, Marxism, and spatial conception: a new paradigm?  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 14: 83-85. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1994)  Spatial familiarity as a variable in cognitive mapping, Swansea Geographer, 31: 42-52. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1993)  Bringing psychology and geography closer.  Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13: 183-186. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1993)  Using bidimensional regression to analyse cognitive maps.  Swansea Geographer, 30: 33-50. PDF


  • Kitchin, R. (2024) Platforms and the disruption of economic space-times. Foreword. In Vale, M., Ferreira, D. and Rodrigues, N. (eds) Geographies of the Platform Economy. Critical perspectives. Springer, pp. v-x. PDF
  • Baumann, Y., Frenzel, J., Guay, E., King, L.I., Megelas, A., Renzi, A., Rone, J., Shahamati, S., Vaughan, H., Vukov, T., Kitchin, R. and Bates, J. (2024) Technological spatial politics, in Jarke, J. and Bates, J. (eds) Dialogues in Data Power: Shifting Response-abilities in a Datafied World. Bristol University Press, pp. 159-185.
  • Kitchin, R. (2024) Performing critical data studies from the inside: working with government to change data regimes. In Schäfer, M.T., van Es, K. and Lauriault, T. and (eds) Collaborative Research in the Datafied Society: Methods and Practices for Investigation and Intervention. Amsterdam University Press. pp, 35-45. PDF
  • Gilmartin, M., Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R. and Roberts, S. (2024) Introduction. In Gilmartin, M., Hubbard, P., Kitchin, R. and Roberts, S. (eds) Key Thinkers on Space and Place. 3rd edition. Sage, London. pp. 1-7. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2023) Urban data power: capitalism, governance, ethics and justice. In Söderström, O. and Datta, A. (eds) Data Power in Action: Urban Data Politics in Times of Crisis. Bristol University Press. pp. 21-41. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2023) Geosurveillance and society. In Kent, A. and Specht, D. (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Geospatial Technologies and Society. Routledge, London. pp. 478-487. PDF
  • Burns, R., Fast, V., Kitchin, R. and Mackinnon, D. (2023) Data Decisioning and Data Justice: A Dialogue with Rob Kitchin. In Mackinnon, D., Fast, V. and Burns, R. (eds) Digital (In)justice in the Smart City. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. PDF
  • Zawadski, T. and Kitchin, R. (2022) Building 3D and XR city systems on multi-platform devices. In Banubakode, A., Bhutkar, G., Kurniawan, Y. and Gosavi, C. (eds) Design of User Interfaces with a Data Science Approach. IGI Global, Hershey, PA. pp. 21-39. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2022) Decentring smart cities. In Flynn, S. (ed) Equality in the City: Imaginaries of the Smart Future. Intellect, Bristol.  pp. 260-266. PDF
  • Dawkins, O., Kitchin, R., Young, G. and Zawadzki, T. (2021) City dashboards and 3D geospatial technologies for urban planning and management. In Rae, A. and Wong, C. (eds) Applied Data Analysis for Urban Planning and Management. Sage, London. pp. 83-102. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2020) A marginal contribution to the pandemic response? In Taylor, L.; Sharma, G; Martin, A.K.; Jameson, S.M. (eds) Global Data Justice and COVID-19. London: Meatspace Press. pp. 154-159. Full book
  • Kitchin, R., Coletta, C. and McArdle, G. (2020) Governmentality and urban control.  In Willis, K. and Aurigi, A. (eds) The Companion to Smart Cities.  Routledge, London. pp. 109-122. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2020) Urban science: Prospect and critique. In Willis, K. and Aurigi, A. (eds) The Companion to Smart Cities.  Routledge, London. pp. 42-50. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2020) Space and spatiality. In Kobayashi, A. (ed) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2nd edition. Vol 12, 321-327. Elsevier, Oxford. PDF
  • Graham, M., Kitchin, R., Mattern, S. and Shaw, J. (2019) Introduction. In Graham, M., Kitchin, R., Mattern, S. and Shaw, J. (eds) How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. Meatspace Press, Oxford. para 1-12. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2019) You’re entitled to what the data says you deserve. In Graham, M., Kitchin, R., Mattern, S. and Shaw, J. (eds) How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. Meatspace Press, Oxford. para: 13-100. PDF
  • Leszczynski, A. and Kitchin, R. (2019) The seduction of UberCity. In Graham, M., Kitchin, R., Mattern, S. and Shaw, J. (eds) How to Run a City Like Amazon, and Other Fables. Meatspace Press, Oxford. para: 1179-1195. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2019) Ghost estates. In Lucey, B., Maher, E. and O’Brien, E. (eds) The A-Z of the Celtic Tiger. Peter Lang. pp. 143-44. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Mac Donncha, D. (2019) Smart cities, algorithmic technocracy and new urban technocrats. In Raco, M. and Savini, F. (eds) Planning and Knowledge: How New Forms of Technocracy are Shaping Contemporary Cities. Policy Press, Bristol. 201-213. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Cardullo, P. and di Feliciantonio, C. (2019) Citizenship, Social Justice and the Right to the Smart City. In Cardullo, P., di Feliciantonio, C. and Kitchin, R. (eds) The Right to the Smart City. Emerald. pp. 1-24. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2019) Towards a genuinely humanizing smart urbanism. In Cardullo, P., di Feliciantonio, C. and Kitchin, R. (eds) The Right to the Smart City. Emerald. pp. 193-204. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2018) Reframing, reimagining and remaking smart cities. In Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (eds) Creating Smart Cities. Routledge, London. pp. 219-230. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Coletta, C., Evans, L. and Heaphy, L. (2018) Creating smart cities: Introduction. In Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (eds) Creating Smart Cities. Routledge, London. pp. 1-18. PDF
  • Coletta, C., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (2018) Actually-existing Smart Dublin: Exploring smart city development in history and context. In Karvonen, A., Cugurullo, F. and Caprotti, F. (eds) Inside Smart Cities: Place, Politics and Urban Innovation. Routledge. pp. 85-101. PDF
  • Hearne, R., O’Callaghan, C., Di Feliciantonio, C. and Kitchin, R. (2018) The relational articulation of housing crisis and activism in post-crash Dublin, Ireland. In Gray, N. (ed) Rent and its Discontents: A Century of Housing Struggle. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 153-167. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Lauriault, T. (2018) Digital data and data infrastructures. In Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (eds) Digital Geographies. Sage, London. pp. 83-94. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2018) Governance. In Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (eds) Digital Geographies. Sage, London. pp. 238-249. PDF
  • Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (2018) Introducing digital geographies. In Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski (eds) Digital Geographies. Sage, London. pp. 1-10. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Lauriault, T. (2018) Towards critical data studies: Charting and unpacking data assemblages and their work. In Thatcher, J., Eckert, J. and Shears, A. (eds) Thinking Big Data in Geography. University of Nebraska Press. pp. 3-20. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2018) The challenges of cybersecurity for smart cities. In Coletta, C., Evans, L., Heaphy, L. and Kitchin, R. (eds) Creating Smart Cities. Routledge, London. pp. 205-216. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and McArdle, G. (2017) Data and the City. In Kitchin, R., McArdle, G. and Lauriault, T. (eds) Data and the City. Routledge, London, pp. 1-13. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and McArdle, G. (2017) Urban data and city dashboards: Six key issues. In Kitchin, R., McArdle, G. and Lauriault, T. (eds) Data and the City.  Routledge, London, pp. 111-126. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) Data-driven urbanism. In Kitchin, R., McArdle, G. and Lauriault, T. (eds) Data and the City.  Routledge, London, pp. 44-56. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P., and Wilson, M. (2017) Introducing spatial media. In Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and Wilson, M. (eds) Understanding Spatial Media.  Sage, London. pp. 1-21. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P., and McArdle, G. (2017) Indicators, benchmarking and urban informatics. In Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and Wilson, M. (eds) Understanding Spatial Media.  Sage, London. pp. 119-128. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) Leveraging finance and producing capital. In Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P. and Wilson, M. (eds) Understanding Spatial Media.  Sage, London. pp. 178-187. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) Big data – hype or revolution? In Sloan, L., Quan-Haase, A. and Metzler, K. (eds) The SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods. Sage, London. pp. 27-39. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2017) Big data. The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) Foreword. In Levy, J. (Ed) A Cartographic Turn: Mapping and the Spatial Challenge in the Social Sciences.
  • Kitchin, R., Hearne, R. and O’Callaghan, C. (2016) Housing. In Roche, W.K., O’Connell, P. and Prothero, A. (eds) Austerity and Recovery in Ireland: Europe’s Poster Child and the Great Recession. Oxford University Press. pp. 272-289. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Perng, S-Y. (2016) Code and the city: introduction. For Kitchin, R. and Perng, S-Y. (ed) Code and the City. Routledge, London. pp 1-12. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) From a single line of code to an entire city: Reframing the Conceptual Terrain of Code/Space. For Kitchin, R. and Perng, S-Y. (ed) Code and the City. Routledge, London. pp. 15-26. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Lauriault, T.P., and McArdle, G. (2016) Smart cities and the politics of urban data. In Marvin, S., Luque-Ayala, A. and McFarlane, C. (eds.) Smart Urbanism: Utopian Vision or False dawn?  Routledge, London. pp. 16-33. PDF
  • McArdle, G. and Kitchin, R. (2016) The Dublin Dashboard: Design and development of a real-time analytical urban dashboard. First International Conference on Smart Data and Smart Cities, Split, Croatia.ISPRS Annals Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-4/W1, 19-25, doi:10.5194/isprs-annals-III-4-W1-19-2016 PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) ‘Cognitive mapping’. In: Wright, J. (eds.) International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd ed. Vol 4., Elsevier: Oxford. pp. 79-83. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) ‘Positivistic geography’. In: Aitken, S. and Valentine, G. (eds.) Approaches in Human Geography, Sage: London. PDF
  • Crowley, U. and Kitchin, R. (2015) ‘Academic ‘truth’ and perpetuation of negative attitudes and intolerance towards Travellers in Contemporary Ireland’. In: Honohan, I. and Rougier, N. (eds.) Tolerance in Ireland North and South, Manchester University Press: Manchester. pp. 153-170. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2015) ‘Housing’. In: Gleeson, J. (eds.) The Atlas of the Island of Ireland, AIRO/ICLRD: Belfast. PDF
  • Lee, R., Castree, N., Kitchin, R., Lawson, V., Paasi, A., Philo, C., Radcliffe, S., Roberts, S. and Withers, C. (2014) ‘Introduction’. In: Lee, R., Castree, N., Kitchin, R., Lawson, V., Paasi, A., Philo, C., Radcliffe, S., Roberts, S. and Withers, C. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Human Geography, Sage: London. pp. xi-xiv. PDF
  • Lee, R., Elwood, S., Castree, N., Roberts, S.M. and Kitchin, R. (2014) Editors’ Discussion: What are Human Geographies? In Lee, R., Castree, N., Kitchin, R., Lawson, V., Paasi, A., Philo, C., Radcliffe, S., Roberts, S. and Withers, C. (eds) The Sage Handbook of Human Geography. Sage, London. pp. 768-785. PDF
  • Hearne, R., Kitchin, R. and O’Callaghan, C. (2014) ‘Spatial justice and housing in Ireland’. In: Kearns, G., Meredith, D. and Morrissey, J. (eds.) Spatial Justice and the Irish Crisis, Royal Irish Academy: Dublin. pp. 57-77. PDF
  • Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2014) ‘Diaspora centred development: Current practice, critical commentaries and research priorities’. In: Sahoo S and Pattanaik P K (eds.) Diaspora and Development: Perspectives, issues and practices, Springer: New Delhi. pp. 17-38. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2014) ‘Explanation/Understanding.’. In: Cloke, P., Crang, P., and Goodwin, M. (eds.) Introducing Human Geographies, Arnold: London. pp. 117-129. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2014) ‘Barcodes and RFIDs’. In: Thrift, N., Tickell, A., Woolgar, S. and Rupp, W.H. (eds.) Globalization in Practice, Oxford University Press: Oxford. pp. 268-271. Pre-print
  • Kitchin, R., Boyle, M. and Ancien, D. (2013) ‘Ireland’s diaspora strategy: the quiet policy of obligation and opportunity. ‘. In: Gilmartin, M. and White, A. (eds.) Migrations: Ireland in a Global Ireland, Manchester University Press: Manchester. pp. 80-97. PDF
  • Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2013) ‘Diaspora for development: In search of a new generation of diaspora strategies.’. In: Kuznetsov, Y. (eds.) How Can Talent Abroad Induce Investment at Home? Towards a Pragmatic Diaspora Agenda, Migration Policy Institute: Washington DC. pp. 315-345. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2012) ‘Towards Touch-Free Spaces: Sensors, Software and the Automatic Production of Shared Public Toilets..’. In: Dodge, M. and Paterson, M. (eds.) Touching Space, Placing Touch., Routledge: London. pp. 191-210. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Dodge, M. and Perkins, C. (2011) ‘Power and Politics of Mapping’. In: Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) The Map Reader, Wiley: Chichester. pp. 388-394. PDF
  • Perkins, C., Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2011) ‘Cognition and Cultures of Mapping’. In: Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) The Map Reader, Wiley: Chichester. pp. 298-303. PDF
  • Perkins, C., Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2011) ‘Cartographic Aesthetics and Map Design’. In: Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) The Map Reader, Wiley: Chichester. pp. 194-200. PDF
  • Dodge, M. Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (2011) ‘Technologies of Mapping’. In: Dodge, M. Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) The Map Reader, Wiley: Chichester. pp. 116-121. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Dodge, M. and Perkins, C. (2011) ‘Conceptualising Mapping’. In: Kitchin, R., Dodge, M. and Perkins, C. (eds.) The Map Reader, Wiley: Chichester.  pp. 2-7. PDF
  • Dodge, M. Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (2011) Preface: Introducing The Map, in Dodge M, Kitchin R and Perkins C (eds), The Map Reader: Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, pages viii-xxiii. PDF
  • Hubbard, P. and Kitchin, R. (2010) Preface to the Second Edition. In Hubbard, P. and Kitchin, R. (Eds) Key Thinkers on Space and Place, 2nd  Sage, London. pp. xiii-xvi. PDF
  • Hubbard, P. and Kitchin, R. (2010) Why key thinkers? In Hubbard, P. and Kitchin, R. (Eds) Key Thinkers on Space and Place, 2nd  Sage, London. pp. 1-17. PDF
  • Dodge, M., Perkins, C. and Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Mapping modes, methods and moments: a manifesto for map studies’. In: Dodge, M., Perkins, C. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) Rethinking Maps, Routledge: London. pp. 220-243. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Space’. In: Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier: Oxford. volume 10, pp. 268-275. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (2009) Foreword. In Kitchin, R. and Thrift, N. (Eds) International Encyclopedia of Human Geography. Elsevier, Oxford. pp. xxvii-lxxx. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Perkins, C. and Dodge, M. (2009) ‘Thinking about maps’. In: Dodge, M., Kitchin, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) Rethinking Maps, Routledge: London. pp. 1-25. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Looking at the present through the future: Science fiction and contingent and recursive, creative geographies’. In: Meusburger, Peter; Funke, Joachim; Wunder, Edgar (eds.) Milieus of Creativity, Springer: Dordrecht. pp. 245-254. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2009)  Airport code/spaces.  In Cwerner, S., Kesselring, S. and Urry, U. (eds)  Aeromobilities: Theory and Research.  Routledge, London. pp. 96-114. PDF
  • Crowley, U., Gilmartin, M. and Kitchin, R. (2008) ‘Race and immigration in contemporary Ireland’. In: Bressey, C. and Dwyer, C. (eds.) New Geographies of Race and Racism, Ashgate: Aldershot. pp.141-156. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2008) ‘Cybergeography’. In: Kemp, K. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science, Sage: London. pp. 58-59. Pre-print
  • Kitchin, R. and Bartley, B. (2007) ‘Ireland in the Twenty First Century. ‘. In: Bartley, B. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Ireland, Pluto Press: London. pp. 1-26. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Bartley, B. (2007) ‘Ireland now and in the future’. In: Bartley, B. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Ireland, Pluto Press: London. pp. 301-307. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘Mapping Worlds. ‘ In: Kitchin, R. (ed) Mapping Worlds: Social and Cultural Geographies, Routledge: London. pp. 1-6. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2007) ‘Virtual places.’. In: Douglas, I., Huggett, R. and Perkins, C. (eds.) A Companion Encyclopaedia to Geography, Routledge: London. pp. 519-536. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Bartley, B. (2007) ‘Part intros’. In: Bartley, B. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Ireland, Pluto Press: London. pp. 27-30, 125-127, 181-184, 233-235. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2006) ‘Positivistic geography and spatial science’. In: Aitken, S. and Valentine, G (eds.) Approaches in Human Geography, Sage: London. pp. 20-29. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2006) ‘Net:Geography fieldwork Frequently Asked Questions.’. In: Weiss J, Nolan J, Trifonas P, Nincic V, Hunsinger J, (eds.) The International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Springer: The Netherlands. pp. 1143-1172. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. M. (2004) ‘Reginald Golledge’. Key Thinkers on Space and Place, Sage: London. pp. 136-142. PDF
  • P Hubbard, R. Kitchin and G Valentine (2004) ‘Editor’s Introduction’. In: P Hubbard, R. Kitchin and G Valentine (eds.) Key Thinkers on Space and Place, Sage: London. pp. 1-15. PDF
  • Fuller, D. and Kitchin, R. (2004) ‘Radical Theory/Critical Praxis: Academic Geography Beyond the Academy?’. In: Fuller, D. and Kitchin, R. (eds.) Radical Theory, Critical Praxis: Making a Difference Beyond the Academy?, ACME E-book. pp. 1-20. PDF
  • Dodge, M. and Kitchin, R. (2003) ‘The role and value of maps of Internet infrastructure.’. Moving People, Goods and Information in the Twenty First Century: Urban Technology, the New Economy, and Cutting-Edge Infrastructure, Spon Press: New York. pp. 159-185. PDF
  • Jacobson, R.D., Kitchin, R. and Golledge, R.G. (2002) ‘Multi-modal virtual reality for presenting geographic information. ‘. In: Fisher, P. and Unwin, D. (eds.) Virtual Reality in Geography, Taylor and Francis. pp. 382-400. PDF
  • Cheesman, J., Dodge, M., Harvey, F., Jacobson, D., and Kitchin, R. (2002) ‘Other’ Worlds : Augmented Comprehensible, Non-Material Spaces. ‘. In: Fisher, P. and Unwin, D. (eds.) Virtual Reality in Geography, Taylor and Francis. pp. 295-304. PDF
  • Brodlie, K., Dykes, J., Gillings, M., Haklay, M.E., Kitchin, R. and Kraak, M-J. (2002) ‘Geography in VR : Context. ‘. In: Fisher, P. and Unwin, D. (eds.) Virtual Reality in Geography, Taylor and Francis. pp. 7-17. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2002) ‘There’s no there there: Virtual Reality, Space and Geographic Visualisation. ‘. In: Fisher, P. and Unwin, D. (eds.) Virtual Reality in Geography, Taylor and Francis. pp. 341-361. PDF
  • Kneale, J. and Kitchin, R. (2002) ‘Lost in space.’. In: Kitchin, R. and Kneale, J. (eds.) Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction, Continuum: London. pp. 1-16. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2002) ‘Exploring the emerging geographies of cyberspace. ‘ In: Johnston, R., Taylor, P. and Watts, M. (eds.) Geographies of Global Change, Blackwell: Oxford. pp. 340-354. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2002) Towards emancipatory and empowering disability research: Reflections on three participatory action research projects. In ‘Using Emancipatory Methodologies in Disability Research’, National Disability Authority, pp. 45-56. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2001) ‘Cognitive mapping.’ International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioural Sciences, pp. 2120-2124. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Freundschuh, S.M. (2000) ‘Introducing cognitive mapping’. In: Kitchin, R. and Freundschuh, S. (eds.) Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future, Routledge: London. pp. 1-8. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘Generating and analysing cognitive mapping data’. In: Kitchin, R. and Freundschuh, S. (eds.) Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future, Routledge: London. pp. 9-23. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Freundschuh, S.M. (2000) ‘Future cognitive mapping research’. In: Kitchin, R. and Freundschuh, S. (eds.) Cognitive Mapping: Past, Present and Future, Routledge: London. pp. 249-263. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2000) ‘Environmental Psychology. ‘ Dictionary of Human Geography, 5th Edition. p. 223. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1999) ‘Ethics and morals in geographical studies of disability’. In: Proctor, J. and Smith, D. (eds.) Geography and Ethics: Journeys through a Moral Terrain, Routledge: London. pp. 223-236. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1997) In: J. Behar (eds.) Mapping Cyberspace: Social Research on the Electronic Frontier, Dowling College Press: New York. pp. 149-173. PDF

Additional Scholarly Contributions

All the Programmable City working papers can be found here.

  • Kitchin, R., Davret, J., Kayanan, C. and Mutter, S. (2024) Data mobilities: Rethinking the movement and circulation of data. Data Stories Working Paper 3,, PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Murphy, A. (2024) Library Services for Housing and Planning Publications in Ireland. Data Stories Working Paper 2,, PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2023) Arts-based methods for researching digital life. Data Stories Working Paper 1., PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2021) Decentring the smart city. Programmable City Working Paper 45 PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2020) Using digital technologies to tackle the spread of the coronavirus: Panacea or folly? Programmable City Working Paper 44. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (2016) Getting smarter about smart cities: Improving data privacy and data security. Data Protection Unit, Department of the Taoiseach, Dublin, Ireland. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Collins, S. and Frost, D. (2015) Funding Models for Open Access Repositories. DRI report. PDF
  • Coutard, O., Finnveden, G., Kabisch, S., Kitchin, R.., Matos, R., Nijkamp, P., Pronello, C. and Robinson, D. (2014) ‘Urban Megatrends: Towards A European Research Agenda’. A report by the Scientific Advisory Board of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. and Boyle, M (2011) ‘Diaspora Strategies in Transition States: Prospects and Opportunities for Armenia.’ Armenian Competitiveness Foundation. PDF
  • Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2011) ‘A diaspora strategy for Canada? Enriching debate through heightening awareness of international practice.’. Asia Pacific Foundation. PDF
  • Kitchin, R., Gleeson, J., Keaveney, K. and O’Callaghan, C. (2010) ‘A Haunted Landscape: Housing and Ghost Estates in Post-Celtic Tiger Ireland’. NIRSA Working Paper Series. No. 59. PDF
  • Boyle, M., Kitchin, R. and Ancien, D. (2009) ‘The NIRSA Diaspora strategy wheel and ten principles of good practice’. PDF
  • Ancien, D., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Exploring Diaspora Strategies: Lessons for Ireland’.  PDF
  • Ancien, D., Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘Exploring Diaspora Strategies: An International Comparison’. PDF
  • Ancien, D. Boyle, M. and Kitchin, R. (2009) ‘The Scottish Diaspora and Diaspora Strategy: Insights and Lessons from Ireland’. PDF
  • Gleeson, J., Kitchin, R., Bartley, B. and Treacy, C. (2009) ‘New Ways of Mapping Social Inclusion in Dublin City’. PDF
  • Bartley, B., Kitchin, R. and others of the Special European Union Programmes Body (SEUPB) (2006) ‘Socio-Economic Profile of Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland’. A review of socio-economic indicators for Northern Ireland and the Border Region of Ireland. Special EU Programmes Body. PDF
  • Kitchin, Rob and Lysaght, Karen (2002) ‘Queering Belfast: Some thoughts on the sexing of space’. Working Paper Series. No. 19. NIRSA – National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis. PDF
  • Golledge, R.G., Kitchin, R., Blades, M., Jacobson, D. (2001) Final report – Off route strategies for non-visual navigation. NSF grant #BCS-9818545.
  • Kitchin, R. and Mulcahy, F. (1999) Disability, Access to Education, and Future Opportunities. Combat Poverty Agency, Dublin, pp. 32. PDF
  • Kitchin, R. (1999) Final Report – Developing a Participatory Action Research Approach: Access, Accessibility and Measuring Disabling Environments. Royal Irish Academy. pp. 127. PDF
  • Golledge, R.G., Blades, M., Kitchin, R. and Jacobson, D. (1999) Final Report – Understanding geographic space without the use of vision. NSF Report SBR95-14907. pp. 348.
  • Shirlow, P., Shuttleworth, I., Kitchin, R., McClenaghan, P. and McLaughlin, R. (1997) Final Report – Contact Programme with Unemployed People.  Donegal Local Development Company. pp. 55.


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